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by Dave Gustavsen

Scripture: Acts 20:17-38
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Window of Influence (15 of 16)
Series: Acts
Dave Gustavsen
Acts 20:17-38

Open to Acts 20.

It's amazing to think that in about two weeks school starts. Right-parents? You excited about that? And this is kind of a strange thing about me-every year, right around this time-the weather starts to get a little cooler, a few leaves start falling, and I get this little sadness-because I realize the summer is ending, and I have to go back to school. And then I realize I'm 43 years old, and I don't have to go to school anymore! But I'm still a little sad! Can anybody relate to that? I just can't get that out of my system!

But this last week I was thinking about one year ago, when my youngest son was starting Kindergarten. (This is Ben just before he left the house for his first day of Kindergarten). And this was a big day for Ben! New backpack, new pencils-the whole deal. And I was the one who got to drive him over to school, and find the right line, and get him in the line, and help him meet a few of these new kids. And-some of you have been there-you can see the looks on some of the parents' faces-they're usually more freaked out than the kids, right? Especially if it's there first kid in school-forget about it! So we waited there in line and chatted with the people around us. And then they told all the parents to go away. So I got in my car, and I drove up to the Chapel, and I had some time to reflect.

And I realized that this really significant milestone had occurred. I realized that when I pulled out of that parking lot, there was a window of influence that had just closed in Ben's life. There was this period of opportunity that my wife and I had to pour into his life during his pre-school years, and that window was now shut. And I found myself thinking, ''I hope we used that window of influence wisely.''

And if you think about it, there are windows of influence that are closing all the time. Just yesterday I officiated at a wedding. And at the beginn ...

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