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by Dave Gustavsen

Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:1-28

Real Motherhood
Dave Gustavsen
1 Samuel 1

Alright-we're going to be in 1 Samuel today-toward the beginning of your Bible. 1 Samuel chapter one.

Now: I realize that Mother's Day can be a very difficult day for some of you. I have a friend who intentionally skipped church on Mother's Day for several years, because she had recently lost her mother, and it was just too emotional for her. And maybe it's like that for you. Or maybe you don't have a very good relationship with your mother, and so it's hard to hear all these nice things said about moms. Or maybe you'd love to be a mother, and that just hasn't happened. So if Mother's Day is a painful day for you, first of all, thanks for coming-even though it wasn't easy. But also, I hope what we talk about today will remind you that God gets it. Even if nobody else truly gets it, God gets it. And sometimes just knowing that is enough.

I think that one of the hardest things for mothers today-and for women in general-is that they are bombarded with unreal expectations. The demands on a woman in 2017 America are higher than they've ever been. Everything a woman was expected to do 50 years ago, she's still expected to do now. Plus, many of you need to work-especially in this area of the country. And all of that in addition to being a mother to your children.

And every time you turn on the television, or go online, you're confronted with people who are doing it better than you are. Right? Or at least that's what it looks like! You see women with perfect hair and perfect makeup and model's bodies. And then you turn on the cooking channel, and you're reminded how boring and repetitious your cooking is. And then you turn on a home design show, and you realize how ridiculously out of date your house is. Etc, etc, etc.

And maybe that's an exaggeration for you-maybe you're not that affected by all that stuff. But if you're like most women, you look at those examples in the media, and it can make you feel a litt ...

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