by Stan Coffey
Scripture: EPHESIANS 3:14-21
This content is part of a series.
Intercession For The Body Of Christ (4 Of 4)
Series: How to Get Your Prayers Answered
Dr. Stan Coffey
Ephesians 3:14-21
September 7, 1986
INTRODUCTION: The Apostle Paul wrote the Book of Ephesians from a Roman dungeon. There isn't any more beautiful picture in all the Bible of prayer unless it is Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, than that of the old Apostle bowing his knees in the Roman dungeon. (verse 14) In spite of his own personal needs, in spite of the fact that he was in prison, Paul's thoughts were upon others and he was given to the ministry of intercession. No iron bars are a barrier if you know how to pray. One of the greatest examples of an intercessor is the Apostle Paul. Many times when great revivals occur we see the visible results but we are not aware of some faithful prayer warrior who had been interceding for weeks or even years for a particular need. How thankful we siould be for those who pray for us. There are five things about the prayer that Paul prayed for the Ephesians which teach us some principles of intercession.
I. The Prompting of This Prayer - verse 8,10,11
A. Paul prays that their knowledge might be increased - verse 8,10,11
B. Paul prays that their power might be increased - verse 16, 19
II. The Possibilities of This Prayer - verse 16
A. Prayer is as possible as God is possible. Prayer is as rich as God is rich - verse 16
B. Paul prays that God will bless them according to his riches - verse 16
III. The Purpose of This Prayer
A. To ensure God's power through them - verse 16
B. To establish God's presence in them - verse 17
1. "That Christ may dwell" - Dwel ...
Series: How to Get Your Prayers Answered
Dr. Stan Coffey
Ephesians 3:14-21
September 7, 1986
INTRODUCTION: The Apostle Paul wrote the Book of Ephesians from a Roman dungeon. There isn't any more beautiful picture in all the Bible of prayer unless it is Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, than that of the old Apostle bowing his knees in the Roman dungeon. (verse 14) In spite of his own personal needs, in spite of the fact that he was in prison, Paul's thoughts were upon others and he was given to the ministry of intercession. No iron bars are a barrier if you know how to pray. One of the greatest examples of an intercessor is the Apostle Paul. Many times when great revivals occur we see the visible results but we are not aware of some faithful prayer warrior who had been interceding for weeks or even years for a particular need. How thankful we siould be for those who pray for us. There are five things about the prayer that Paul prayed for the Ephesians which teach us some principles of intercession.
I. The Prompting of This Prayer - verse 8,10,11
A. Paul prays that their knowledge might be increased - verse 8,10,11
B. Paul prays that their power might be increased - verse 16, 19
II. The Possibilities of This Prayer - verse 16
A. Prayer is as possible as God is possible. Prayer is as rich as God is rich - verse 16
B. Paul prays that God will bless them according to his riches - verse 16
III. The Purpose of This Prayer
A. To ensure God's power through them - verse 16
B. To establish God's presence in them - verse 17
1. "That Christ may dwell" - Dwel ...
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