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by Christopher Harbin

Scripture: John 20:1-18

Whom Do You Seek?
Christopher B. Harbin
John 20:1-18

It is always helpful to know what we are looking for. If we are not sure what we are seeking, we may believe we have found what we need and settle for the wrong thing. We may also simply not look very hard, as we may be completely confused as to what we need. On the other hand, if we have a clear vision of what we are seeking, we have a much better chance of locating it. How do we go about making sure we have a clear sense of what we need and what will truly meet our needs?

Friends told me about a college classmate who would routinely park her car at the mall and have trouble locating it when she came out. They suggested to her that she tie a balloon to the car's antennae to help her find the car when she came back out. She liked the idea and proceeded to do so. While she went into the mall, however, they proceeded to tie balloons to the antennas all over the parking lot. When she came out, she was looking for a balloon, but did not have a clear concept of what more than a balloon she was seeking.

When it comes to John chapter 20, the picture becomes even more complicated. The women at the tomb were not looking for balloons or cars. The problem was, they were looking for a corpse, a corpse that did not exist.

The disciples were distraught, depressed, and mired in grief over expectations that would never come to fruition. They had believed that Jesus was Messiah, but they had never really understood what Jesus meant by Messiah in contrast to what they meant when they used the word. They had been looking for a king, a political figure, one who would lead Israel to war against its enemies and establish it as an international power like the Roman Empire. They wanted to throw off Roman subjugation and establish their independence. Then their plans, dreams, and ambitions were thwarted when Jesus allowed himself to be killed. It just did not make any sense to them. It was not supposed to happen that way, a ...

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