by Jerry Watts
Scripture: Proverbs 14:12, Proverbs 16:25
This content is part of a series.
There is a Way (1 of 2)
Series: There is a Way
Jerry Watts
Proverbs 14:12; Proverbs 16:25
A few weeks ago I heard Will Graham (son of Franklin and grandson of Billy) quote this verse. For some reason, hearing this text stuck a chord in me. I might add that any time a verse is given two times in scripture, it may be something which we should consider very seriously. (READ)
I am reminded that Jesus said ''TWO TIMES'' - you must be born again - because He meant it. Don't miss that message! If you do, you miss the best this life has to offer AND the only life which is available beyond the grave. Candidly, popular and influential people are on record to say, ''There just has to be more than one way to heaven'' but Jesus says, ''I am the way'' and to follow me, you must be born again. It's not simply important, it is essential - and we don't get a say.
Now we come to the verse that we have just read (QUOTE) and realizing the God put it in His word two times, requires us to take more than a cursory look at it. As I began studying it again, some very practical truths jumped out at me - which are somewhat sobering. Allow me to offer you some concepts, words, and applications which may burn deep into your heart. Many illustrations, both Biblical and Contemporary exists to unpack the truth of this principle, but the one which comes to mind is ''Eve in the Garden of Eden.'' Two major concepts jump off the page at me.
ILLUSION - The dictionary defines illusion as ''something that looks or seems different from what it is : something that is false or not real but that seems to be true or real: an incorrect idea : an idea that is based on something that is not true.'' - For years we enjoyed watching people known as 'magicians' wow us with the 'sleight of hand.' That is, they perform acts which seem impossible (because we know they are impossible) and mesmerize a crowd. It could be something as simple as pulling a rabbit out of the hat, a quarter out of an ears, or m ...
Series: There is a Way
Jerry Watts
Proverbs 14:12; Proverbs 16:25
A few weeks ago I heard Will Graham (son of Franklin and grandson of Billy) quote this verse. For some reason, hearing this text stuck a chord in me. I might add that any time a verse is given two times in scripture, it may be something which we should consider very seriously. (READ)
I am reminded that Jesus said ''TWO TIMES'' - you must be born again - because He meant it. Don't miss that message! If you do, you miss the best this life has to offer AND the only life which is available beyond the grave. Candidly, popular and influential people are on record to say, ''There just has to be more than one way to heaven'' but Jesus says, ''I am the way'' and to follow me, you must be born again. It's not simply important, it is essential - and we don't get a say.
Now we come to the verse that we have just read (QUOTE) and realizing the God put it in His word two times, requires us to take more than a cursory look at it. As I began studying it again, some very practical truths jumped out at me - which are somewhat sobering. Allow me to offer you some concepts, words, and applications which may burn deep into your heart. Many illustrations, both Biblical and Contemporary exists to unpack the truth of this principle, but the one which comes to mind is ''Eve in the Garden of Eden.'' Two major concepts jump off the page at me.
ILLUSION - The dictionary defines illusion as ''something that looks or seems different from what it is : something that is false or not real but that seems to be true or real: an incorrect idea : an idea that is based on something that is not true.'' - For years we enjoyed watching people known as 'magicians' wow us with the 'sleight of hand.' That is, they perform acts which seem impossible (because we know they are impossible) and mesmerize a crowd. It could be something as simple as pulling a rabbit out of the hat, a quarter out of an ears, or m ...
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