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by Claude Thomas

Scripture: PSALMS 16:8

Because He Lives
Psalm 16:8-11

Introduction: The Christian is part of a community of hope ever moving to higher ground. This is true because of the experience of Jesus -- to Whom the Christian has linked his life by faith. Because of His death and resurrection, every member of His body has the potential of living on the higher ground of joy, fulfillment, and hope. In Psalm 16, the Psalmist was elevated beyond his own personal experience to anticipate the incarnation, resurrection, and exaltation of Christ.

Transition Statement: Because of Jesus, the Christian knows to ...

I. Focus on the Father -- v. 8

Explanation: He is cognizant of the constant presence of the Father - v. 8a. "I have set the Lord always before me." The higher ground of joy comes by living in the awareness of the constant presence of the Father. "In Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand pleasures forevermore." This was also the experience of Jesus.

Explanation: That is why there is such significance to the words, "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken me?" The One who had never known separation from God experienced it on the cross, because of our sin. Jesus knew the agony of a broken union.. But as a result of His taking our sin on Himself and being separated from God, all sin has been dealt with. And because of His separation, there is a possibility of union with God for all men. And because of His glorious resurrection, there is possibility for you to live in the joy of union with God the Father.

Jesus lived with an awareness and joy of God's constant presence.

Transition Statement: There is cause for concern regarding the contemporary Christian.

Illustration: The American-oriented Christian can think "out of sight, out of mind."

Application: Affirm His presence daily. You may not feel it, but He is present Actively engage His presence. Tell Him, "Lord, You are here and I want to worship You today." Truly realize His presence, and ...

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