by Jerry Watts
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38
This content is part of a series.
The Reason for Christmas (2 of 3)
Series: The Wonder of Christmas
Jerry Watts
Luke 1:26-38
There was a day when we did things and believed things - just because we were told to. And why were we told and made to do certain things? Because they were considered 'right.' (Not right according to me, my parents, or friends, but were right according to this culture who, in large measure, took their cue of right and wrong from God's word.) Amazingly today, people have come to believe (have been led to believe) that they know more and better than the Bible. The outcome of this thinking is that the standards set forth in the Bible have, at the minimum, come under question or sadly have been tossed bus. Here's the reason for this: Everyone wants to know 'why.' That is the big question which, in many cases, have not been appropriately answered.
Admittedly, there are times when ''Just because I said so'' needs to suffice. (I know our students are going to have me for lunch when I say this), there are times when parents needs to be able to say, ''Because I said so'' and get an immediate response. Why? We can state a number of reasons (I.E. protection, safety, and even help to avoid disaster). For instance, a 4-yr old is running toward the road and a truck is coming. The parents say stop, the child has not been taught to respond and disaster occurs. It's not always about obedience, many times it is about respect. My High School science teacher tells us the story of being in a boat on the river fishing with his wife when the current ran them close to the bank and into some bushes. The motor needed attention so his wife reach up and grabbed some overhanging bushes. When Mr. Smith turned around he told his wife to 'freeze'. Thankfully, she did out of respect for him. On the bank, not very far from her hand hold, was a cotton mouth moccasin with tongue active and getting ready to strike.
She responded, the snake relaxed, she let go, and they drifted away - no harm, no ...
Series: The Wonder of Christmas
Jerry Watts
Luke 1:26-38
There was a day when we did things and believed things - just because we were told to. And why were we told and made to do certain things? Because they were considered 'right.' (Not right according to me, my parents, or friends, but were right according to this culture who, in large measure, took their cue of right and wrong from God's word.) Amazingly today, people have come to believe (have been led to believe) that they know more and better than the Bible. The outcome of this thinking is that the standards set forth in the Bible have, at the minimum, come under question or sadly have been tossed bus. Here's the reason for this: Everyone wants to know 'why.' That is the big question which, in many cases, have not been appropriately answered.
Admittedly, there are times when ''Just because I said so'' needs to suffice. (I know our students are going to have me for lunch when I say this), there are times when parents needs to be able to say, ''Because I said so'' and get an immediate response. Why? We can state a number of reasons (I.E. protection, safety, and even help to avoid disaster). For instance, a 4-yr old is running toward the road and a truck is coming. The parents say stop, the child has not been taught to respond and disaster occurs. It's not always about obedience, many times it is about respect. My High School science teacher tells us the story of being in a boat on the river fishing with his wife when the current ran them close to the bank and into some bushes. The motor needed attention so his wife reach up and grabbed some overhanging bushes. When Mr. Smith turned around he told his wife to 'freeze'. Thankfully, she did out of respect for him. On the bank, not very far from her hand hold, was a cotton mouth moccasin with tongue active and getting ready to strike.
She responded, the snake relaxed, she let go, and they drifted away - no harm, no ...
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