Matthew 6:19,25-34
Introduction: Those who work with computers know the importance of "operating systems." It is the operating system that makes the computer work. It doesn't matter how powerful the chip or how sophisticated the hardware, it can't do anything without the operating system. The system you choose determines all else that follows. Those strange combinations of initials tell us something very important. They identify the system -- like MS DOS tells the user that the system is "Microsoft Disc Operating System. The system is critical to everything that follows. This is like life. We choose a "Life Operating System.."
The Christian has chosen a system where Jesus Christ is Lord. In our text, Jesus described that system in the terms of God's rule. He promised His followers that when that is in the place of priority, all else would follow. Researchers say we need to evaluate our present system. Researcher Michael Josephson says "a hole in the moral ozone has blinded the youth of America." But research says more than the youth have been blinded. William Bennett, former Secretary of State established an index of Cultural Indicators in 1993. The index showed the U.S. ranks near the top in the industrialized world in it's rates of abortion, divorce, and unwed mothers. We lead in murder, rape, and violent crime. We can truly say we are facing a values crisis in America. It is clearly on the way down. Can we as Christians do anything? I believe we can. To do so we must ...
I. Address a misplaced priority, v. 32
Transition Statement: It is easy to place a premium value on lesser things.
Explanation: Jesus addressed a misplaced commitment and a misplaced concern. The rich had a misplaced commitment. They were "storing up treasures on earth", vs. 20. In so doing -- they were caring for the wrong things as a priority of life. Jesus told them to not give "things" that priority. If the rich had m ...
Matthew 6:19,25-34
Introduction: Those who work with computers know the importance of "operating systems." It is the operating system that makes the computer work. It doesn't matter how powerful the chip or how sophisticated the hardware, it can't do anything without the operating system. The system you choose determines all else that follows. Those strange combinations of initials tell us something very important. They identify the system -- like MS DOS tells the user that the system is "Microsoft Disc Operating System. The system is critical to everything that follows. This is like life. We choose a "Life Operating System.."
The Christian has chosen a system where Jesus Christ is Lord. In our text, Jesus described that system in the terms of God's rule. He promised His followers that when that is in the place of priority, all else would follow. Researchers say we need to evaluate our present system. Researcher Michael Josephson says "a hole in the moral ozone has blinded the youth of America." But research says more than the youth have been blinded. William Bennett, former Secretary of State established an index of Cultural Indicators in 1993. The index showed the U.S. ranks near the top in the industrialized world in it's rates of abortion, divorce, and unwed mothers. We lead in murder, rape, and violent crime. We can truly say we are facing a values crisis in America. It is clearly on the way down. Can we as Christians do anything? I believe we can. To do so we must ...
I. Address a misplaced priority, v. 32
Transition Statement: It is easy to place a premium value on lesser things.
Explanation: Jesus addressed a misplaced commitment and a misplaced concern. The rich had a misplaced commitment. They were "storing up treasures on earth", vs. 20. In so doing -- they were caring for the wrong things as a priority of life. Jesus told them to not give "things" that priority. If the rich had m ...
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