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by Claude Thomas

Scripture: MATTHEW 6:13


Introduction: We have been studying the Model Prayer Jesus gave to His followers. So,
we have been learning how to pray with Jesus as our Teacher.

The focus is upon the Father. We are taught in prayer to place absolute dependency upon God through this Pattern of Prayer. All its features speak of God: His Paternity, Priority, Program, Purpose, Provision, Pardon, and Protection.

Praying brings us closer to God and gives us a better understanding of Him, His person, attributes and works.

The first three verses relate to the glory of God, the last three relate to the need of man. The last verse -- "lead us not."

I. Petition for Protection

Explanation: Let's get a handle on the meaning of this particular petition. At first glance it seems rather simple. Yet, with thought, questions are provoked. What kind of temptation was Jesus depicting? The word can be neutral in its meaning. However, it can also mean "being tempted to do evil." According to James 1:13, God has no part in that kind of temptation. The word can also refer to a trial or a test for our good. James 1:1-4 refers to such a trial. So, should we pray not to be led to such a test? Well, what was Jesus saying? The second part -- "rescue us from the Evil One," helps give insight. It has to do with the temptation to sin.

Application: Each child of the King is aware that we live in a fallen world.
Natural world is fallen. We face floods, fires, etc. which test us.
Intellectual world is fallen. Man's judgments are partia ...

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