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by Claude Thomas

Scripture: JOHN 17:13

Prayer For Preservation Of Believers In The World
Claude Thomas
John 17:13-21

U.T.: Prayer for Preservation of Believers in the World

SST: Jesus prayed that His followers would live lives that were useful for his continued purpose in the earth.

Thesis: The evangelistic purpose of God is made effective when believers demonstrate and communicate the gospel to individuals who can know God through faith in Christ.

M.O.: Consecrational

S.O.: I want my hearers to commit to effective evangelism.

Authority: Direct

Title: ''Effective Evangelism''

Introduction G. Campbell Morgan's book, Evangelism, begins with this statement, ''The future of the Christian chruch may be said, humanly speaking, to depend on evangelism.'' In John 17, Jesus prayed that his followers would be at one with im by continuing his mission of God-glorifying evangelism. He prayed that we would be effective in our mission of evangelism. Let us examine the effective evangelism of Jesus' prayer found in John 17:1-4, 13-21.

I. The Aim is Regeneration (17:21, 23)

Application of the Text The aim is not reformation which just changes the outward by removing faults an defects then introduces a better procedure for living. In reformation the emphasis is on outward correction. This has generally been evidenced by what people cease to do. Cursing, drinking, smoking carousing. It has also been evidenced by what people begin to do. Praying, tithing, going to church, reading the Bible. Now all of these are good. yet, evangelism ahs as its goal something greater than outward change because that can come and go.

Illustration General William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, stated that his fear for 20th century Christianity was religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without Christ, Morality without God and Heaven and without Hell.

Explanation of the Text The aim of evangelism, according to Christ's prayer, is outward evidence of an inward change. Jesus spoke of the in ...

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