Scripture: Matthew 13:1-9, Matthew 13:18-24
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For The Hearing Impaired (3 of 3)
Series: Missing Person
James Merritt
Matthew 13:1-9; 18-24
1. Of all the topics that a pastor talks about, by common consensus everybody would agree, the most sensitive topic that a pastor talks about is - money. However, the most difficult topic that a pastor deals with is the one we have been talking about for the last couple of weeks in the series we've entitled, ''Missing Person.'' We have said that a missing person is any person who is far from God - any person who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The very first command that Jesus ever gave to anyone was to be a finder of missing persons or the way He put it to His first disciples was ''to be a fisher of men.''
2. The common term for that is evangelism. The truth is for the vast majority of us, who claim to be followers of Christ, evangelism, finding missing persons, and fishing for men is the most difficult part of the Christian life. We know that we need to do it. We know that we ought to do it. We know that others need us to do it, but the truth is many followers of Christ never do it, and those that do it feel inadequate doing it, get stressed out doing it and feel guilty for not doing it.
3. Furthermore, it is not only the most difficult many of us try to do, but those of us who try to do it find it sometimes to be one of the most frustrating things we try to do. Perhaps you've had the experience of trying to evangelize or trying to reach somebody for Christ and it didn't work and you felt like you were a failure.
4. I can't even begin to tell you how frustrating it is to share the Gospel with someone and to tell someone about how to have a relationship with Jesus and at every point you make with them they nod their head, they agree, they will say ''yes'' and you will think you are reeling this fish in. It is going to be like taking candy from a baby! The conversation will go like this, ''So you understand that you ...
Series: Missing Person
James Merritt
Matthew 13:1-9; 18-24
1. Of all the topics that a pastor talks about, by common consensus everybody would agree, the most sensitive topic that a pastor talks about is - money. However, the most difficult topic that a pastor deals with is the one we have been talking about for the last couple of weeks in the series we've entitled, ''Missing Person.'' We have said that a missing person is any person who is far from God - any person who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The very first command that Jesus ever gave to anyone was to be a finder of missing persons or the way He put it to His first disciples was ''to be a fisher of men.''
2. The common term for that is evangelism. The truth is for the vast majority of us, who claim to be followers of Christ, evangelism, finding missing persons, and fishing for men is the most difficult part of the Christian life. We know that we need to do it. We know that we ought to do it. We know that others need us to do it, but the truth is many followers of Christ never do it, and those that do it feel inadequate doing it, get stressed out doing it and feel guilty for not doing it.
3. Furthermore, it is not only the most difficult many of us try to do, but those of us who try to do it find it sometimes to be one of the most frustrating things we try to do. Perhaps you've had the experience of trying to evangelize or trying to reach somebody for Christ and it didn't work and you felt like you were a failure.
4. I can't even begin to tell you how frustrating it is to share the Gospel with someone and to tell someone about how to have a relationship with Jesus and at every point you make with them they nod their head, they agree, they will say ''yes'' and you will think you are reeling this fish in. It is going to be like taking candy from a baby! The conversation will go like this, ''So you understand that you ...
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