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by Claude Thomas

Scripture: ACTS 2:37

Life In The Family of God
Acts 2:37-47

Introduction: The very first time I witnessed the miracle of human life being born was at the birth of our fourth son, Heath. I was amazed, intrigued, and thrilled when he was born! The event was wonderful, and another son was born into our family.

Life in the family of God commences with an event and continues with an experience. In our text, vv 37-41 describe the event and vv 42-47 describe the experience. Many of us in this room have known the event and are in the process of the experience. Yet, in all probability, some of you have not known the event. Today we will examine the event in detail and overview the experience. First, the overview...

I. Life in the family of God is an experience - vv 42-47

Explanation: Luke recorded seven descriptive experiences that were occurring in the lives of the first century Christians:

1) v 42a - Instruction
2) v 42b, 46 - Participation
3) v 43 - Manifestation
4) vv 44-45 - Contribution
5) v 47a - Attraction
6) v 47b - Evangelization

Application: These are criteria by which to examine our experience. These are not exhaustive, but are instructive as a standard.

Application: Feelings will fool you. We must have a standard. You measure by a standard. Each is critical for strength.

Illustration: I went to a hospital to visit a church member. He looked healthy but was very, very weak. I noticed several bananas on his bedside table, and I remarked about them. He told me he was eating more bananas than he ever dreamed any human should. Reason? Potassium. He was low in the element Potassium.

Application: Some of you are weak because of the lack of Bible study, service, surrender to see God's work, stewardship in financing the work of Christ, sincere worship, reaching out to others, and witnessing.

Application: If you are not having a good experience, examine the Christian life to determine what elements are missing in yours. If ...

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