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by Claude Thomas

Scripture: II CORINTHIANS 4:8-9

Problems And Power
Claude Thomas
2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Introduction: A new college year. Soon calls and cards come from college dorms to home addresses. Some are welcomed with delight and pride. Others...well... Boy is sent to college with great hopes. After a few weeks, the boy was kicked out for flunking his classes. Knowing his parents would be disappointed, he sent a telegram home which said, ''Flunked out - coming home - prepare Pop.'' The next day he received a telegram. It simply read, ''Pop prepared - prepare yourself!''

Life has its problems. There is no such thing as a ''trouble-fee'' area or people without problems.

I. People and problems go together

Application: It is a mistaken notion that Christians are somehow exempt.

Explanation: Note the experience of Paul. Remember who he was: converted on Damascus Road; called to be an apostle to Gentiles; commissioned to author one half of New Testament (13 books); founder of churches...yet this great Christian... v. 8 - ''troubled on every side'' = pressured from without. External pressure. v. 8 - ''perplexed'' = despondent over lack of means. Emotional pressure. v. 9 - ''persecuted'' = hunted by man. Physical pressure. v. 9 - ''cast down'' = Physically smitten.

These four form a climatic characterization of Paul's life -- PROBLEMS! Paul even warned in II Timothy 3:12 ''All who desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.''

Application by Illustration: Can you name a Bible character greatly used of God who did not endure problems? Almost, if not, without except ...

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