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by Benny Perez

Scripture: Matthew 7:24-29, Mark 4:35-41

Standing Strong during the Storm (6 of 6)
Series: I Am the Church
Benny Perez
Matthew 7:24-29, Mark 4:35-41

I. Storms Come To Everyone
John 16: 33b ''These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.''

A. Storms are equal opportunity employers

1. Storms know no boundaries
2. Storms play no favorites

B. Storms are part of life.

1. They are neither condemnation or justification of a person's faith.
2. They are part of the falleness of this world

C. Storms are created over a period of time

1. Just like weather related storms, storms in life many time do not occur overnight.
2. Atmospheric changes begin to be a predicator of a coming storm.

Key Pt: Storms are not an option but they are to be expected to hit some time during our life.

II. Storms Have Different Intensities
Matthew 7:25 ''The rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and
Beat on that house…''

A. Storms have the ability to get worse or lessen in severity.

1. We know that Hurricanes are rated from a 1 to a 5
2. The more severe the storm the greater chances of damage.

B. Life is full of storms that hurt a little or hurt a lot.

1. Most storms are not life threatening.
2. Storms are part of the cycle of life.

C. Jesus understands the intensity of storms.

1. He ministered to people who were facing different storms.
2. The woman with the issue of blood, Jairus dead daughter, Blind Bart, Zacheus

Key Pt: Every storm will have an impact on your life.

III. Storms Test Your Foundation
Matthew 7:25 ''…and did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.''

A. The Storms will reveal what your life is built on.

1. Is your life built on the wisdom of man or the wisdom of God.
2. God's thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts or ways.

B. Storms tell you and others what is beneath everything they see.

1. A smile can mask a hurtin ...

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