What's Holding You Together
Lenny Ports
2 Corinthian 5:14-21
As an employee in the healthcare insurance field for almost 20 years, I have seen reports that show that Prozac is by far the most frequently prescribed drug in America for the past several years. Why?
It seems that the world in unraveling all around us, not just in Asia, but also in our own backyards. People are checking out on life. The social, political, and economical climate is changing. It is tougher to make ends meet. There is significant pressure from the world of advertising telling people they deserve to have the best product and they can get it now. House payments, Car loans, credit card bills, alimony payments are all pressing in on people bringing life to a boiling point. There is pressure from every side, family problems, sibling rivalry, strife, resentment, bitterness, problems on the job, company layoffs, downsizing, and budget cuts .STRESS!!
Not only do people experience the pressure from the outside, there seems to be more and more turmoil on the inside. People not satisfied with who they are. Pressure to look like a model, tummy tucks, breast implants, nose jobs, cosmetic surgery on every part of the body. Unhappiness in marriages because the wife doesn't look the same way she looked at 25. Infidelity, lust, pornography…all vying for the affection of men and women and weighing them down with worry and fear and paranoia leading to sleepless nights and depression, despair, and desperation.
In this kind of world that we live in, how can a man hold himself together? What can keep a man from caving into the pressure all around him or the voices within him telling him to give up, pack it up, and take your life.
2 Cor 5:14 For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; 15 and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for th ...
Lenny Ports
2 Corinthian 5:14-21
As an employee in the healthcare insurance field for almost 20 years, I have seen reports that show that Prozac is by far the most frequently prescribed drug in America for the past several years. Why?
It seems that the world in unraveling all around us, not just in Asia, but also in our own backyards. People are checking out on life. The social, political, and economical climate is changing. It is tougher to make ends meet. There is significant pressure from the world of advertising telling people they deserve to have the best product and they can get it now. House payments, Car loans, credit card bills, alimony payments are all pressing in on people bringing life to a boiling point. There is pressure from every side, family problems, sibling rivalry, strife, resentment, bitterness, problems on the job, company layoffs, downsizing, and budget cuts .STRESS!!
Not only do people experience the pressure from the outside, there seems to be more and more turmoil on the inside. People not satisfied with who they are. Pressure to look like a model, tummy tucks, breast implants, nose jobs, cosmetic surgery on every part of the body. Unhappiness in marriages because the wife doesn't look the same way she looked at 25. Infidelity, lust, pornography…all vying for the affection of men and women and weighing them down with worry and fear and paranoia leading to sleepless nights and depression, despair, and desperation.
In this kind of world that we live in, how can a man hold himself together? What can keep a man from caving into the pressure all around him or the voices within him telling him to give up, pack it up, and take your life.
2 Cor 5:14 For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; 15 and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for th ...
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