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by Jeff Strite

Scripture: Colossians 3:22-25, Colossians 4:1, Romans 1:1-2
This content is part of a series.

Working For Jesus (7 of 9)
Series: Jesus Is Lord
Jeff Strite
Colossians 3:22-4:1, Romans 1:1-1:2

OPEN: During the middle 1800's there was a popular set of rules for the office that showed up in one form or another across the nation. They all resembled something like these which were posted in Zachary Geiger's establishment:

1. Office employees will daily sweep the floors, dust the furniture, and showcases. Each day they must fill lamps, clean chimneys, and turn wicks
2. Windows must be washed once a week.
3. Each clerk will bring in a bucket of water and a scuttle of coal for the day's business.
4. Make your pens carefully. You may whittle your nibs to your individual taste.
5. This office will open at 7:00 am and close at 9:00 p.m. daily, except on Sunday, on which day it will remain closed. Each employee is expected to spend Sunday by attending church
and contributing liberally to the cause of the Lord.
6. Men employees will be given an evening off each week for courting purposes, or 2 evenings a week if they go regularly to church.
7. After an employee has spent 13 hours of labor in the office, he should spend the rest of his time reading the Bible any other good books while contemplating the glories and building up of the kingdom.
8. Every employee should lay aside, from each pay, a goodly sum of his earning, so that he will not become a burden upon the charity of his betters.
9. The employee who has performed his labors faithfully and without fault for a period of 5 years
in my service, and who had been thrifty and attentive to his religious duties, is looked upon by his fellowmen as a substantial and law-abiding citizen, will be given an increase of 5 cents per day in his pay providing a just return in profits from the business permits it.

APPLY: How many of you would enjoy having a job like that? (no one raised their hand).
Can you imagine working under those conditions?
Can you imagine being happy in that type of atmosphere?
Coul ...

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