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by Chris Brown

Scripture: Romans 12:1-2
This content is part of a series.

God's Will: It's Much Simpler Than We Think (10 of 10)
Series: Mind Games
Chris Brown
Romans 12:1-2

4 steps to finding God's will:
Romans 12:1-2

1. Always remember God's mercies.

2. Decide to give yourself entirely to God.

3. Resist conforming to culture in thoughts and actions.

4. Choose to think differently.

Back to the original blueprint:

- Follow me, Remain in me, I will be with you always

- God's will for us has always been relational, not rational.

It is more about where we are in Christ, than where we are in life.

Food for Thought
(Questions and Scriptures for further personal study)

1. Most of us have been in the position of praying for God's will and then feeling like we're not getting a clear answer. Our reactions can range from frustration, to feeling puzzled, to complacency and not taking any action. How do the following verses differ from, support or change your idea of what it means to wait on God's will?

1 Thessalon ...

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