The Passive (5 of 7)
Series: Can't Believe: Gospel of John
JD Greear
John 18:1-40
We're in week #5 of our Can't Believe series in which we're looking through the Gospel of John at 7 different kinds of people who couldn't bring themselves to believe in Jesus.
This weekend we're going to look at someone who couldn't believe in Jesus because he was passive: he didn't really make a decision on it either way; just didn't think the issue was that important.
Passivity is a general problem in human nature; one particularly bad in our culture; and particularly among males. Passivity is when you don't direct active energy to something, even when you should. Passive people just kind of go with the flow, letting things unfold as they will.
Sometimes you're passive about something because you just don't place a great deal of importance on it. Many men are passive in leading their families. These same men are incredibly type--A about their jobs... they plan and strategize and work. But when they come home they just shift into autopilot and let their marriage and kids just kind of turn out as they will. In 20 years when their marriage falls apart they can't figure out why. Here's why: if you had showed the same attentiveness to your career that you did to your family you'd have been fired in a month. Some of you men show more intentionality with your fantasy football team then you do with your family. It's surprising your marriage lasted as long as it did. The problem is not that you're passive about everything; you're very active in some things, you're just passive about some of the most important things. Sometimes you are passive because it takes less courage to not make a decision than to have to make one either way. I see this a lot with guys who figure out how, functionally, to get dates with girls without ever having to ask them out. They always arrange mysterious ways for the two of you to be together. We call it the 'sneak--a--date.' ''Oh, look, we're ...
Series: Can't Believe: Gospel of John
JD Greear
John 18:1-40
We're in week #5 of our Can't Believe series in which we're looking through the Gospel of John at 7 different kinds of people who couldn't bring themselves to believe in Jesus.
This weekend we're going to look at someone who couldn't believe in Jesus because he was passive: he didn't really make a decision on it either way; just didn't think the issue was that important.
Passivity is a general problem in human nature; one particularly bad in our culture; and particularly among males. Passivity is when you don't direct active energy to something, even when you should. Passive people just kind of go with the flow, letting things unfold as they will.
Sometimes you're passive about something because you just don't place a great deal of importance on it. Many men are passive in leading their families. These same men are incredibly type--A about their jobs... they plan and strategize and work. But when they come home they just shift into autopilot and let their marriage and kids just kind of turn out as they will. In 20 years when their marriage falls apart they can't figure out why. Here's why: if you had showed the same attentiveness to your career that you did to your family you'd have been fired in a month. Some of you men show more intentionality with your fantasy football team then you do with your family. It's surprising your marriage lasted as long as it did. The problem is not that you're passive about everything; you're very active in some things, you're just passive about some of the most important things. Sometimes you are passive because it takes less courage to not make a decision than to have to make one either way. I see this a lot with guys who figure out how, functionally, to get dates with girls without ever having to ask them out. They always arrange mysterious ways for the two of you to be together. We call it the 'sneak--a--date.' ''Oh, look, we're ...
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