by J.D. Greear
Scripture: Daniel 6:1-10, Daniel 10:11-14
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Defiant Prayer (2 of 2)
Series: Press Through - Prayer
JD Greear
Daniel 6:1-10; 10:11-14
Prayer is the most undervalued resource of the church.
The Bible teaches us that all the blessings that God wants to bestow on us, he does so through prayer. Prayer is the conduit by which his power comes into our lives and into our families.
John Wesley, pioneer of the Great Awakening in our country, once said, ''God does nothing on earth except in answer to prayer.'' That's clearly an overstatement, but he's getting at the fact that the means why which God releases his power on earth is through prayer.
Prayer is the way we lay hold of the promises and blessings of God and make them our own.
The Bible is a book of promises: 3000 of them, all of which are ''yes'' in Christ Jesus, for you.
I want you to read through the Bible, yes, but more importantly I want you to pray through it.
Prayer works like a laser. The way a laser works is you stack light beams on top of each other until, and as you do, they intensify. When waves go opposite directions, they cancel each other out. (like noise cancelling headphones). When they go the same direction, they increase in strength. Prayer is adding the wave of our faith to the wave of God's promises and his expressed will, and the result is the laser of God's power.
Where is the power and blessing of God absent from your life and family, simply because you have not risen up to claim the blessings and power of God as your own?
Last week we looked at Jacob, a man who laid hold of the promised blessing from God by wrestling with him. God had already declared the blessing to be his, so he wasn't trying to manipulate God into giving something he had come up with on his own, it was something that God had declared for him; but he took it through a night of wrestling. He pressed through, and won his blessing.
Today we'll look at another guy whose life was similar. Daniel. Daniel is one of the most fa ...
Series: Press Through - Prayer
JD Greear
Daniel 6:1-10; 10:11-14
Prayer is the most undervalued resource of the church.
The Bible teaches us that all the blessings that God wants to bestow on us, he does so through prayer. Prayer is the conduit by which his power comes into our lives and into our families.
John Wesley, pioneer of the Great Awakening in our country, once said, ''God does nothing on earth except in answer to prayer.'' That's clearly an overstatement, but he's getting at the fact that the means why which God releases his power on earth is through prayer.
Prayer is the way we lay hold of the promises and blessings of God and make them our own.
The Bible is a book of promises: 3000 of them, all of which are ''yes'' in Christ Jesus, for you.
I want you to read through the Bible, yes, but more importantly I want you to pray through it.
Prayer works like a laser. The way a laser works is you stack light beams on top of each other until, and as you do, they intensify. When waves go opposite directions, they cancel each other out. (like noise cancelling headphones). When they go the same direction, they increase in strength. Prayer is adding the wave of our faith to the wave of God's promises and his expressed will, and the result is the laser of God's power.
Where is the power and blessing of God absent from your life and family, simply because you have not risen up to claim the blessings and power of God as your own?
Last week we looked at Jacob, a man who laid hold of the promised blessing from God by wrestling with him. God had already declared the blessing to be his, so he wasn't trying to manipulate God into giving something he had come up with on his own, it was something that God had declared for him; but he took it through a night of wrestling. He pressed through, and won his blessing.
Today we'll look at another guy whose life was similar. Daniel. Daniel is one of the most fa ...
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