by Jeff Schreve
Scripture: Galatians 3:1-29
This content is part of a series.
Moses and the Law Versus Abraham and the Promise (6 of 9)
Series: Do You Want to be Free?, Vol. 1
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Galatians 3
If you have your Bible, turn to Galatians chapter 3. You know, when I was praying about what series to do on Wednesday nights, I was drawn to the book of Galatians. It has six chapters. And there are specific verses in Galatians that have meant a lot to me. And as I've been getting into it, I've been finding that, Galatians has a lot of really deep theology and Paul, he's really, really smart. He is inspired by the Holy Spirit. And he goes deep into his arguments as he deals with the church in Galatia. Now remember we've talked about this was a church that he planted on his first missionary journey. There were several churches in this region, in the Galatia region, and as soon as he got through sharing the gospel, winning these people to Christ, then on the heels of his exit come in these Jewish, quasi-Christian, supposed Christians, they weren't Christian at all.
Theologians called them the Judaizers. And they come in and they say, "Yes, it's faith in Jesus plus the works of the Law. You have to become a Jew in order to be a Christian." And they try and take grace and faith and mix it with law and works and put that together. And Paul goes ballistic when he hears about that. And he sends his letter, and he says, "Hey, you're believing in a different gospel. If anyone preaches to you a gospel contrary to the one which we have preached to you, let that person be eternally condemned. Let them be anathema." It is so strong. He said, "Even if an angel from heaven were to preach to you a gospel contrary to the one you received that's all about God's grace and faith in God's grace (that's how a person gets saved)," he said, "Even if an angel preached that, let that angel be anathema. Boy, he fights for the gospel, which is grace, faith, and nothing else. God's grace! Your faith in God's grace yields and brings about eternal salvati ...
Series: Do You Want to be Free?, Vol. 1
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Galatians 3
If you have your Bible, turn to Galatians chapter 3. You know, when I was praying about what series to do on Wednesday nights, I was drawn to the book of Galatians. It has six chapters. And there are specific verses in Galatians that have meant a lot to me. And as I've been getting into it, I've been finding that, Galatians has a lot of really deep theology and Paul, he's really, really smart. He is inspired by the Holy Spirit. And he goes deep into his arguments as he deals with the church in Galatia. Now remember we've talked about this was a church that he planted on his first missionary journey. There were several churches in this region, in the Galatia region, and as soon as he got through sharing the gospel, winning these people to Christ, then on the heels of his exit come in these Jewish, quasi-Christian, supposed Christians, they weren't Christian at all.
Theologians called them the Judaizers. And they come in and they say, "Yes, it's faith in Jesus plus the works of the Law. You have to become a Jew in order to be a Christian." And they try and take grace and faith and mix it with law and works and put that together. And Paul goes ballistic when he hears about that. And he sends his letter, and he says, "Hey, you're believing in a different gospel. If anyone preaches to you a gospel contrary to the one which we have preached to you, let that person be eternally condemned. Let them be anathema." It is so strong. He said, "Even if an angel from heaven were to preach to you a gospel contrary to the one you received that's all about God's grace and faith in God's grace (that's how a person gets saved)," he said, "Even if an angel preached that, let that angel be anathema. Boy, he fights for the gospel, which is grace, faith, and nothing else. God's grace! Your faith in God's grace yields and brings about eternal salvati ...
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