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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Ephesians 1:13-14
This content is part of a series.

The Evolution of Salvation (3 of 8)
Series: It's a Wonderful Life
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Ephesians 1:13-14

Well, great praise. It's so wonderful just to praise His name and to see all the different names of Jesus in the Scripture that God gives us. What a special gift to have the Lord Jesus Christ! And He's here today, and He wants to do something great in your life. He wants to speak directly to your heart. You know the thing that's so great about Jesus is that He knows everything about you. He knows everything that you're worried about, that you're fearful about, that you're concerned about. Everything you've done that's ever been wrong, He knows all about that and He wants to do a mighty work in your heart today. So let's pray to Him. Lord, we just pray that our hearts would be open to You, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the One mighty to save, Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals; Jehovah Shalom, the God who brings peace; Jehovah Tsidkneu, the God who is our righteousness. Lord, be those things to us today and speak to each heart in a powerful way from Your Word and change lives. For we pray in the matchless name of Jesus, amen.

Well, we're in a series on the Book of Ephesians, entitled ?It's a Wonderful Life.? And today, I want to speak on this subject: "The Evolution of Salvation.?

I heard a true story about a little girl. And she went with her daddy to the nursing home to visit some people. And she had never been to a nursing home before. And, she went with her dad, and she saw some things that she had never seen before. She saw a walker. She had never really seen a walker before and someone using a walker right in front of her. And she saw someone else walking with a cane. And she saw someone else in a wheelchair. And then she went by this one room and this woman had false teeth in a glass by her bed. And that little girl's eyes got so wide. And she grabbed her dad and pulled him, and she said, ?Daddy, the tooth fairy is never going to believe th ...

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