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by Kerry Shook

This content is part of a series.

Family Vacation (1 of 4)
Series: Home Movies: Making Life's Moments Memorable
Pastor Kerry Shook

This sermon includes the sermon outline and the full sermon transcript. Below you will see a preview of the outline and a portion of the full sermon.

• Prov. 24:3 (NIV)

• Psalms 119:105 (NIV)


• Matt. 11:28 (NLT)

• Life is in the journey
• The significance of the insignificant
• The best things in life aren't things


• Unrealistic expectations
• Unforgiveness


I want you to take out your outlines from your program, and, if you'd like, open your Bibles to Proverbs 24. We are starting a new series today that will really help us focus on family and the people who matter most to us in our lives. I'm calling it Home Movies - Making Life's Moments Memorable. Because in life, your moments will either be memorable or miserable. And you pretty much get to choose. I'm starting the series today with a message titled Family Vacation. As we look at the roadmap that God has given us that will help us put a priority on our family. Now, when I think of Family Vacation, the first thing that comes to my mind is the Griswold family and their trials and tribulations in the old vacation movies. Just watch this . . .

That reminds me of some of my family vacations that I went on as a kid. Those long driving trips. On those family vacations, my mom and dad had two completely different goals. My dad's goal was real simple. On a vacation his goal was to make good time. That was it. Ya know. He'd load up the car the night before, make sure it was filled with gas. He'd take out his map and he would chart out about 850 miles that he would travel the next day. We'd be up at 5:00 a.m., on the road with a goal of making good time. Now, my mom on the other hand, didn't really care about making good time. Her goal on a vacation was to make a good time all along the way. She wanted to stop every five or ten minutes at all of the shops along the way. I remember one time we went through a town and there was a Wal-Mart and she said to my dad, "Honey, let's just stop here and stretch our legs and shop a little bit at Wal-Mart." My dad said, "We got two or three Wal-Mart's at our house, you know, back where we live." And she said, "I know, but it's not the same Wal-Mart, there is probably something different in there." Her goal was to make a good time along the way. Now it may not work best in a vacation, but I have to say when it comes to life, my mom's philosophy wins out. You better learn along the road of life how to make a good time. I know a lot of people who are making good time in life. They are reaching their destination. They are going places, but they are miserable. So, how do you make a great time along the road of life? That is what we are going to look at today.
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