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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: Nehemiah 3:1-32, Nehemiah 4:1-23
This content is part of a series.

How to Deal with Discouragement (2 of 2)
Series: How to Deal with Discouragement
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
Nehemiah 3-4

As you are turning to the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, let me tell you something amazing about the Bible: this book speaks to every issue of your life. God doesn't leave any issue out!

One day after Sunday School a young boy came home and announced to the family, "I now know what the Bible means." His proud father said, "Wonderful! What does the Bible mean?" He said, "That's easy Daddy, it stands for …

"Basic Information Before Leaving Earth."

*The Bible speaks to our physical needs.

*It speaks to our spiritual needs.

*It speaks to our psychological needs.

*It even speaks to our emotional needs.

When God led the writers of this book to record scripture, He made sure that every issue of life, every need we encounter, was included. That's why before you ever join a church or become a part of a small group that you make sure that the Word of God is being taught and preached.

I'm like the pastor who once said, "I'm not smart enough to preach anything but the Bible but I'm smart enough to only preach the Bible."

Now when you come to Nehemiah 4, you find the people of God involved in a God-size job: rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem and repairing the gates. They had neglected the walls leaving them laying in ruin. So when faced with the challenge, they said, "Let us rise up and build."

Let me say that whenever God's people say, "Let us rise up and build," that the Devil's crowd will say, "Let us arise and stop them." That's true weather you're trying to build ..

a godly home,

a godly marriage,

raise godly children,

build a godly business,

or to build a Christ-centered church!

And perhaps the Devil's favorite tool for slowing down and stopping the work of God is discouragemen ...

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