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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-15
This content is part of a series.

The Fear of Death (3 of 7)
Series: God's Answer for Your Fears
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Hebrews 2:14-15

Ninety percent of people get a little uneasy about flying. Thirty-five million Americans won't fly because they're afraid. Probably the most famous of those thirty-five million is a guy named John Madden. He wouldn't fly. And when he was coaching the Oakland Raiders, he'd take a bus everywhere he went. Now, when Oakland's playing Washington, that's a long bus trip, right? But he would do that. And he was afraid to fly.

I heard about one lady. She was afraid to fly. She was an older lady. And she had family all over the United States. And she loved to see her family, but she wouldn't go because she was afraid to fly. And the family so wanted their relative to come see them. And so they said, "Listen." It was their aunt. She said, "Listen, Auntie. Would you just come?" And she said, "Well, I have to get on a plane and I'm not going to get on a plane. I don't trust the plane. And something bad is going to happen. And, you know, there are terrorists and things like that." She was so afraid that there was going to be a bomb on the airplane. So, finally, the family sat her down with an actuary who could give her statistics. And she asked him, she said, "What are the chances, what are the odds of me being on an airplane with someone who has a bomb?" He said, "About one in five hundred thousand." She said, "Okay." She said, "What are the odds of me being on an airplane with two people who have a bomb?" He said, "About one in a billion." She said, "Okay." And that set her free, because any time she traveled from that moment on, she always brought a bomb!" She said, "You know, the chances are not two of us are going to have a bomb," so she would just bring a bomb. She was so afraid of dying in the aircraft.

Now what is the answer to the fear of death? The answer is the death of Christ. Hebrews chapter 2, I'll begin reading in verse 14. The Scripture says this: "Sinc ...

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