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by Miles McPherson

This content is part of a series.

Law Enforcement Part 3 (6 of 17)
Series: The Royal
Miles McPherson

Can we all word? Yeah ok. Pay close attention to what we are gonna do. We're gonna do it in slow motion. Do you all know that? It's very simple. It just looks like this. Woooorrrrddd. Are you all ready? Here we go Woooorrrrddd. Fast motion goes like this word, fast motion. Are you ready? Here we go. Everyone get in the position. You got to be ready like….here we go word. Let's see your bibles, say word. Let's see your pens, lesson plan. Let's pray.

Lord thank you so much for your word. Thank you so much um for your love for us and we pray you bless us tonight and I pray that you would speak clearly to us, that we would listen to you. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Let's turn to Hosea 2, Hosea 2, Hosea 2.

We want to welcome everybody listening and watching wherever you are. God bless you. Hopefully God's gonna speak to you very, very clearly.

Hosea 2 a little past the middle of the bible Old Testament minor prophet short book. Hosea 2.

When a, two people get married they take vows and I want to read vows different to you from what I read last week cuz I read some vows last week. But we'll continue in this little series on prophets with Hosea.

First the guy goes and this guy's name is Jim so Jim says, I say to Jim - Jim do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love her and honor her, to live together after God's will, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her as long as you both shall live and the guy would say? Ok. 5 guys, ok. Dudes are like - I ain't ready to say that. Ok? To the bride I would say - Shaniqua do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded wife/husband? To love and honor him, to live after God's will, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him as long as you both shall live and the lady would say? Go ahead now - I do. I can't wait.

So what happens is the lady gets married. She wears a white dress at her weddin ...

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