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by Miles McPherson

This content is part of a series.

Soul Food Part 1 (10 of 17)
Series: The Royal
Miles McPherson

Video: The journey to a true identity. An orphan with a destiny he did not understand. A wise teacher who would guide him through 7 life changing books, books that would equip the boy to live and to rule in the kingdom he was designed for.

Boy: Why must I go on this journey?

Wise man: Because the kingdom awaits.

Join us as Pastor Miles continues his new teaching series on how to understand God's word through biblical genres. Be part of the kingdom journey. Come discover who and whose were meant to be.

Miles: Good morning, good morning, good morning let's give the Lord a hand. Amen! How's everybody doing? Say Jesus! How's everybody doing? It's good to be back. My wife and I were on vacation. Actually we took our whole family on vacation and ah whenever you go on vacation you realize how much you need it. So we had our kids with us for a week and then we sent our kids home. You know what I'm saying? And ah had to get to know my wife, ah we had to get to know each other again. So we decided we're still in love more than ever before. So ah we decided to stay together another year or so to reevaluate. Nah it was very good and I want to welcome everybody in North County. How you all doing up there? What's happening?

Hey turn to your bibles to Psalm, Psalms 8, Psalm 8, Psalm 8

And if you ah, when I was gone I know there was some developments with Prop 8. We were very involved with that a couple years ago and I, and on my blog I have a longer statement that ah responds to what happened but basically it says it's in the hands of the court and the court's gonna do what they're gonna do and so just pray that they do the right thing and it's as simple as that so.

Psalm 8, Psalm 8.

As you turn there let me pray for us.

Lord thank you so much for your faithfulness. Thank you for being God and thank you that none of us in this room are God. ...

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