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by Geralyn McGill

This content is part of a series.

Coming Together Is A Beginning (1 of 4)
Series: The Aims of Powerful Prayer
Geralyn McGill

"Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success."
---Henry Ford

Prayer is communication with God. God created us in such a way that we are able to have communication with Him. Prayer is keeping company with our Heavenly Father.

Some seek to worship Him during that communication time. Some seek advice during that time. Some like to pour out our hearts to Him, confide in Him during that time. Some seek higher knowledge and revelation for wisdom and guidance; we seek to learn during that time. Some put in requests for ourselves and others for things we would like to see come to pass, for healing, for things no one else on earth can do.

"I have so much to do, I shall spend the first three hours in prayer." -- Martin Luther.

When we spend time in prayer, much of what we had to do in person is done in spirit. Yes, we fight our battles and win our wars in prayer. By the time we arrive at our earthly destination; speak with people and do things that we planned, the red carpet (so to speak) is already laid out for us. Our paths have already been prepared, and the going is much easier because much of the work was done already in prayer.

God gives us His priority list as we pray. Perhaps the things we thought were important just aren't. And when we obey, live according to God's priorities as given by God, our lives are so much more productive. And folks, that will make us much happier in the long run.

Some seek to be strengthened during prayer-time. We seek to be supernaturally strengthened and given confidence during prayer-time. As David said to The Lord, "You are the health of my countenance." Our countenance, our image, our mood is affected by our mental images. The way we view our world and the people in it; how we view our circumstances, our blessings, and our problems are shaped by our ...

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