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by Chris Brown

This content is part of a series.

What’s Written on Your Wall? (5 of 7)
Series: Babylon
Pastor Chris Brown
Daniel 5

A Wild Party
Daniel 5:1-4

An Uninvited Guest
Daniel 5:5-16

Turn Out The Lights
Daniel 5:17-30

The Belshazzar In All Of Us

- We all live with a danger outside our gates.

- What’s written on his wall is written on ours.

- We have a choice to make.

1. Looking back at this week’s teaching, what is most important for you to remember?

2. Is there anything you would like your group to pray about for you?

Growth Group Homework

QUICK REVIEW: This week we heard about God’s handwriting on the wall. Was there one point that particularly caught your attention, challenged you, or confused you more than the others?

1. Have you or someone you’ve met ever said they had a revelation or vision from God? If so, what was it and how did you respond?

2. If you interviewed a group of people on the street how do you think they would respond to the following question: What would distract you more when it comes to keeping your priorities straight – success or difficulty? When it comes to your relationship with God, which would you say helps keep you more focused – success or difficulty?

1. This week we saw how Daniel was able to “read the handwriting on the wall” unlike everyone else in the room. A modern day example of “reading the handwriting on the wall” is being able to discern God’s leading, warning or directives in our life. How do the following verses ...

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