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by Stuart Briscoe

Scripture: Romans 12:4-8
This content is part of a series.

NOTE: This sermon is part 3 and 4 of a 4 part sermon series. Two sermons outlines are included in this download.


Part 3: The Ministry of Incorporation
Series: Helping People Grow Spiritually
Stuart Briscoe
Romans 12:4-5

Jesus told his disciples that He was committed to building His church (Matthew 16:18) and that nothing would stop Him. His followers to this day need to understand the significance of the church and commit themselves to it.

I. The Church as the Body of Christ.

A. The meaning of the term.
1. "Church" comes from "Kyriake" = "belonging to the Lord."

2. "Church" = "Ekklesia" = "a called out people."

B. The significance of the "body."
1. "His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything." Ephesians 1:23
a. The body is the means whereby a spiritual entity functions in a
physical environment.

b. "Now you are the body of Christ." 1 Corinthians 12:27

2. A model of society in the midst of fragmentation.
a. When God created Adam He created individuality.

b. When God created Eve He created society.


Part 4: The Ministry of Inspiration
Series: Helping People Grow Spiritually
Stuart Briscoe
Romans 12:6-8

Every member of the physical body has a role to play. So it is in the body of Christ. Helping people to find their place requires a ministry of inspiration. Some need help to get started, others to keep going, and all need encouragement.

I. The Ministry of Inspiration-Teaching People About Gifts. v. 6

A. God in grace (charis) gives gifts (charismata) to each believer.
E.g. 15:15, Divinely imparted abilities which serve to further the work of God.

B. These gifts differ from each other but serve a common purpose.

C. The common purpose is to equip the body. See 1 Corinthians 12:4 6

D. The gifts of God are to be appreciated and utilized.
"If a man's gift is…let him use it." vv. 6 8

E. This requires believers to discover and develop their gifts.

II. The Ministry of Inspiration-Instructing People About Service.

A. Helping God's people to develop the right attitude.
1. The example of the Lord Jesus. See John 13:1 17
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