Scripture: Proverbs 6:6-11, Proverbs 3:9-15
This content is part of a series.
NOTE: This sermon is part 7 and 8 of a 10 part sermon series. Two sermons outlines are included in this download.
Part 7: Values in the Workplace-Work Ethic
Series: Values?
Stuart Briscoe
Proverbs 6:6-11
Most people spend approximately half their waking hours working. What they believe about work, or their "work ethic," will therefore profoundly affect the quality of their lives.
I. Industry-The Biblical Work Ethic.
A. The example-the ant. 6:6-7
1. Consider its ways.
2. Apply its values.
B. The explanation-the scriptures.
1. The creative work of God.
2. The mandated work of humanity. Genesis 2
3. The destructive work of the fall. Genesis 3
4. The redemptive work of Christ.
C. The experience-the purpose.
Part 8: Financial Values-Handling Money Properly
Series: Values?
Stuart Briscoe
Proverbs 3:9-15
A basic principle of life is, "In all your ways acknowledge Him-(that is the Lord)." One of the ways is the way we handle money. We are taught in scripture to "honor the Lord with your wealth." But why should we, and how do we?
I. Why Should We Honor the Lord with Our Money?
"Honor" = "to esteem greatly, to worship."
A. Because of who the Lord is:
1. He is the maker of rich and poor. 22:2
2. He gives the ability to produce wealth. Deuteronomy 8:18
3. He makes your paths straight. 3:6
B. Because of what money is:
"Money" = "medium of exchange, measure of value."
1. Labor produces value in goods or services.
Part 7: Values in the Workplace-Work Ethic
Series: Values?
Stuart Briscoe
Proverbs 6:6-11
Most people spend approximately half their waking hours working. What they believe about work, or their "work ethic," will therefore profoundly affect the quality of their lives.
I. Industry-The Biblical Work Ethic.
A. The example-the ant. 6:6-7
1. Consider its ways.
2. Apply its values.
B. The explanation-the scriptures.
1. The creative work of God.
2. The mandated work of humanity. Genesis 2
3. The destructive work of the fall. Genesis 3
4. The redemptive work of Christ.
C. The experience-the purpose.
Part 8: Financial Values-Handling Money Properly
Series: Values?
Stuart Briscoe
Proverbs 3:9-15
A basic principle of life is, "In all your ways acknowledge Him-(that is the Lord)." One of the ways is the way we handle money. We are taught in scripture to "honor the Lord with your wealth." But why should we, and how do we?
I. Why Should We Honor the Lord with Our Money?
"Honor" = "to esteem greatly, to worship."
A. Because of who the Lord is:
1. He is the maker of rich and poor. 22:2
2. He gives the ability to produce wealth. Deuteronomy 8:18
3. He makes your paths straight. 3:6
B. Because of what money is:
"Money" = "medium of exchange, measure of value."
1. Labor produces value in goods or services.
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