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by Jeff Strite

Scripture: John 14:15-24
This content is part of a series.

Loving On Jesus (1 of 3)
Series: Deeper Faith
Jeff Strite
John 14:15-24

OPEN: I love to sing, and one of my favorite Hymns is "Oh How I love Jesus".
Sing it with me now if you would:

1. There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth;
It sounds like music in my ear, the sweetest name on earth.

CHORUS: O, how I love Jesus, O, how I love Jesus,
O, how I love Jesus; because He first loved me.

2. It tells me of a Savior's love, Who died to set me free;
It tells me of His precious blood, the sinner's perfect plea.

(pause) Oh - how I love Jesus.
That's why we're here isn't it?
We love Jesus and so we come to church.
But Jesus seems to IMPLY in John 14 that that's not always going to be true. NOT everybody who says they love Jesus really loves Jesus because many don't accept what He commands.

ILLUS Just as an example: back in the 1990's - during riots in Los Angeles - a radio reporter broadcast an interview he had had with one of the looters. The man had just stepped out of a record store carrying a number cassette tapes he decided he wanted.
When asked what he had stolen, the man replied, "Gospel tapes. I love Jesus."

Now, did that man really love Jesus?
No, of course not.
But he had convinced himself that he really did.
How do I know this man didn't love Jesus?
Because he was stealing from someone to satisfy his own desires. He wasn't obeying Jesus, he was just obeying his own selfishness.

Not everyone who says they love Jesus really loves Him… or really wants to listen to Him.

ILLUS: A Barna study in 2009 found that - of those Americans who SAID they were believers:
• 34% believed that the Bible was NOT accurate in all it teaches.
• 40% believed that ALL religions teach equally valid truths.
• 55% say that if a person is generally good or does enough good things for others they will EARN A PLACE in heaven.
• 34% believe that there are some sins that even God cannot forgive.
• 44% believe that Jesus committe ...

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