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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: I Timothy 4:1-5
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Watch Carefully (1 of 4)
Series: I Timothy Chapter 4
Stephen Whitney
I Timothy 4:1-5

In the May 4, 1992 issue of Newsweek magazine, Malcolm Jones Jr. wrote an article titled "Just Too Good to Be True" about Indian Chief Seattle who worked to accommodate the white settlers who were coming to the area now known as Seattle and died in 1866.

His article was about the children's book Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: A Message from Chief Seattle which has sold hundreds of thousands of copies. In the book, Chief Seattle is quoted as saying those now famous words, "The earth is our mother," and "I have seen a thousand rotting buffaloes on the prairie, left by the white man who shot them from a passing train."

The only problem is that Chief Seattle never said those words.
The chief lived in the Pacific Northwest. He never saw a buffalo. Those very quotable and now famous words were in fact written by a screen writer named Ted Perry for the 1972 movie Home about ecology.

It seems that Perry wanted a Native American testimony on environmental problems, so he made up some quotes and stuck them in Chief Seattle's mouth. Since then, this "gospel" has been widely quoted in books, on TV and even from the pulpit.

Even Chief Seattle's only lone photograph has been doctored repeatedly. In the original, his eyes were closed. Subsequent photos were retouched so his eyes appeared to be open, and in
later editions, his head was grafted on to the body of another man. The ironic part is that when Ted Perry tried to correct the impression he had made by setting the record straight, no one cared. Chief Seattle's image was now chiseled in stone, and
no one wanted to know the truth.

It can be hard to know what the truth is because people deliberately distort it for their own ends such as to protect nature or preserve salmon or save the spotted owl. Therefore, it can be hard to know what the truth really is and what is a lie.
Christians are in a spiritual battle ...

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