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by Stuart Briscoe

Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-3, Ephesians 5:26-33
This content is part of a series.

NOTE: This sermon is part 3 and 4 of a 6 part sermon series. Two sermons outlines are included in this download.


Part 3: Husbands, Love Your Wives
Series: Family Business
Stuart Briscoe
Ephesians 5:25-33

The Christian view of marriage is that God joins two people together and they become "one flesh." This unique relationship holds great promise and presents great challenges for all concerned. For men it means loving their wives as Christ loved the church!

I. Introducing Spiritual Principles into a Secular Environment.

A. Greco-Roman culture: patriarchal and hierarchical.
B. Gospel culture: emancipating and mutualistic.
C. "Headship" defined; "submission" explained; "love" emphasized.

II. Instructing Men About Their Role as Husbands.

A. If women should "submit," should not men "rule"? They are to "love."

B. Loving God, loving neighbor, loving wife-Christian distinctives.

C. But what is this love? The problems of definition.

D. Love as Christ loved the church. 5:25, 29, 32
1. Self-giving love.
2. Purposeful love-make her; present her. vv. 26-27

E. Love as men love their own bodies-if he's the head, she's the body!


Part 4: Children, Obey Your Parents
Series: Family Business
Stuart Briscoe
Ephesians 6:1-3

Ancient cultures developed "Family codes" which addressed relationships between members of the household. Paul adapted these codes in order to present specific Christian teaching concerning relationships in the family, including parent/child relations.

I. The Biblical Teaching Addressed to Christian Children.

A. The fact that they were addressed at all in this context is significant.
1. They were expected to be present in the worshipping community.
2. They were regarded as being capable of assimilating spiritual truth.
3. They were apparently still members of the father's household.

B. The instructions they were given are straightforward.
1. They were to obey their parents.
2. They were Christians who accept "submission" but this is "obedience."

C. The reasons they were given for the instructions are clear.
1. Obedience to parents is "right." Human society assumes it.
a. Disobedience to parents was not tolerated in society.
b. Disobedience to parents a sign of corrupt society. Romans 1:30
c. Disobedience to parents evidence of rampant evil. 2 Timothy 3:2

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