Scripture: John 17:12-18, John 10:27-30, Hebrews 6:4-6
This content is part of a series.
NOTE: This sermon is part 5 and 6 of a 12 part sermon series. Two sermons outlines are included in this download.
Part 5: What Do We Mean by Mission?
Series: Christianity Q and A
Stuart Briscoe
John 17:12-18
Emil Brunner said, "The Church exists by mission as fire exists by burning." The evangelical church needs to be particularly aware of the nature, the necessity, and the nurture of mission if it is to avoid degenerating into a heap of ashes.
I. The Necessity of the Church's Mission.
Note: "Mission" (L. "missio," a sending) being sent out with authority to perform a special duty."
A. The character of God.
1. He sent His spokesmen-the prophets.
2. He sent His Son-the Savior. Galatians 4:4
3. He sent His Spirit-the Comforter. John 14:26
4. He sent His servants-the disciples. John 17:18
5. He sent the Scriptures-the Word. Isaiah 55:11
B. The call of Christ.
1. The call to obtain comfort. Matthew 11:28, 30
2. The call to obey commands. John 13:34
3. The call to observe commissioning. Matthew 28:19, 20
C. The constitution of the Church.
1. Constituted to be pervasive as leaven. Matthew 13:33
Part 6: What Do We Mean by Eternal Security?
Series: Christianity Q and A
Stuart Briscoe
John 10:27-30; Hebrews 6:4-6
"Eternal security" is not a biblical term, neither is "once saved always saved," but both are used quite commonly among Christians. They relate to the question as to whether Christians will always remain true to the Lord as long as they live or whether some may fall away.
I. The Assurance Factor.
A. Some biblical statements.
1. Our inheritance is guarded by God's power. 1 Peter 3 5
2. Nothing can shake us free from God's love. Romans 8:31 39
3. God will complete what He started. Philippians 1:6
4. Christ continues to intercede for His people. Hebrews 7:25
5. God faithfully provides grace for all eventualities. 1 Corinthians 10:13
6. Christ's promises cannot fail. John 10:27 30
B. Some theological inferences: Calvinism's TULIP.
1. Total depravity.
2. Unconditional predestination.
3. Limited atonement.
4. Irresistible grace.
5. Perseverance.
C. Some logical conclusions.
1. Positive conclusions.
a. God's sovereignty presides over all.
b. God's grace is sufficient.
Part 5: What Do We Mean by Mission?
Series: Christianity Q and A
Stuart Briscoe
John 17:12-18
Emil Brunner said, "The Church exists by mission as fire exists by burning." The evangelical church needs to be particularly aware of the nature, the necessity, and the nurture of mission if it is to avoid degenerating into a heap of ashes.
I. The Necessity of the Church's Mission.
Note: "Mission" (L. "missio," a sending) being sent out with authority to perform a special duty."
A. The character of God.
1. He sent His spokesmen-the prophets.
2. He sent His Son-the Savior. Galatians 4:4
3. He sent His Spirit-the Comforter. John 14:26
4. He sent His servants-the disciples. John 17:18
5. He sent the Scriptures-the Word. Isaiah 55:11
B. The call of Christ.
1. The call to obtain comfort. Matthew 11:28, 30
2. The call to obey commands. John 13:34
3. The call to observe commissioning. Matthew 28:19, 20
C. The constitution of the Church.
1. Constituted to be pervasive as leaven. Matthew 13:33
Part 6: What Do We Mean by Eternal Security?
Series: Christianity Q and A
Stuart Briscoe
John 10:27-30; Hebrews 6:4-6
"Eternal security" is not a biblical term, neither is "once saved always saved," but both are used quite commonly among Christians. They relate to the question as to whether Christians will always remain true to the Lord as long as they live or whether some may fall away.
I. The Assurance Factor.
A. Some biblical statements.
1. Our inheritance is guarded by God's power. 1 Peter 3 5
2. Nothing can shake us free from God's love. Romans 8:31 39
3. God will complete what He started. Philippians 1:6
4. Christ continues to intercede for His people. Hebrews 7:25
5. God faithfully provides grace for all eventualities. 1 Corinthians 10:13
6. Christ's promises cannot fail. John 10:27 30
B. Some theological inferences: Calvinism's TULIP.
1. Total depravity.
2. Unconditional predestination.
3. Limited atonement.
4. Irresistible grace.
5. Perseverance.
C. Some logical conclusions.
1. Positive conclusions.
a. God's sovereignty presides over all.
b. God's grace is sufficient.
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