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by Stuart Briscoe

Scripture: Luke 10:38-42, Luke 11:1-11

NOTE: This sermon is part 1 and 2 of a 2 part sermon series. Two sermons outlines are included in this download.


Part 1: Teach Us to Listen
Series: Let's Talk
Jill Briscoe
Luke 10:38-42

"Mary…sat at the Lord's feet listening to what He said." v. 39 One of the things that matters most to Jesus is our personal relationship with Him. This matters to Him even when it doesn't matter to us! He offers the human race an incredible invitation. He says, "Let's talk." What does this mean? It involves listening to His Word and responding in prayer.


A. The people in the passage.
B. The point of the passage.
C. The pertinence of the passage.

I. Jesus. v. 38

A. Seeking and saving that which was lost.

II. The Disciples. v. 38

A. Jesus talked a lot about His relationship with His Father.


Part 2: Teach Us to Pray
Series: Let's Talk
Jill Briscoe
Luke 11:1-11

While here on earth, Jesus himself sought communion with God through prayer. His disciples were to do likewise. He gave us a pattern to follow. For those who ask, seek, and knock, God is more than willing to answer - even more willing than friends or an earthly father, as the parables Jesus tells explain. But the Christian's prayer requests need to be in line with Jesus' model prayer.


I. The Priority of Prayer. Luke 11:1-2

A. At His baptism. Luke 3:21
B. In the wilderness. Luke 5:16
C. Overcoming Satan's temptations. Luke 4:1-13
D. Before the appointment of the apostles. Luke 6:12
E. His transfiguration. Luke 9:28-29
F. Gethsemane. Matthew 26:36-46
G. The penitent thief. Luke 23:32-34

II. The Pattern of Prayer. Luke 11:2-4, Matthew 6:5-14

A. Declaration of dependence.
1. A desire for holiness.
2. God's ruling presence.

B. A life in community.
1. A life of forgiveness.

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