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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Genesis 16:1-16, Genesis 17:1-27
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God's Waiting Room (12 of 32)
Series: Genesis
Zach Terry
Genesis 16-17

INTRODUCTION - There are many obstacles on the journey of faith but none as imposing as time. The man who can look temptation in the eye without blinking may fold under the passing of time.
Patience has never been easy and I think our generation may have experienced it's greatest deficit.
• Restaurants - There are those who have occupations described by their ability to be patient - they are called waiters. But I have found that one thing that some waiters have a great difficulty doing is waiting.
o You get to the restaurant and ask, "How long is the wait?"
? Yoggi Bera, After having to wait too long in a particular resteraunt, left saying to the matridee, "That's why no one comes here, you never can get a place to sit".
o You sit down and there they are ready to wait on you, if you are not ready to order they say, "I'll give you a minute." Before the minute is complete they are back again ready to wait on you.
o When you finish your meal there is no time to allow your food to settle, if you do not intend to get dessert they are taking your plates, thanking you for your patronage and ushering you toward the door. This is called waiting.
• Waiting in the Dr. office. You go there when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and the first place they send you - the waiting room. A good PR director would tell them that they could accomplish a lot by simply changing the name of that place - call it the fun room, not the waiting room. But you sit there and you sit and you wait. You just know that this doctor is undoubtedly showing off his new golf clubs while you wait.
In Genesis 16 Abram enters God's waiting room. But before he does Abram and God have an intensely personal encounter in chapter 15 that should serve as preparation for the temptation Abram is about to face. Genesis 15:1-16:16 At this point Abram had God. But his walk and relationship with God was still new ...

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