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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Genesis 41:1-58
This content is part of a series.

A Theology of Sin and Suffering (30 of 32)
Series: Genesis
Zach Terry
Genesis 41

CONTEXT: Perhaps there is nowhere that we see the process of forgiveness and restoration clearer than in the story of Joseph in Gen 41.

Remember that Joseph's brothers despized him, not because of anything he had done but simply because his father favored him greatly.

• Vari-color tunic - symbolized authority and inheritance [I invision the coat looking something like this SLIDE - Snoop Dogg]
• Dreams - fortold of his authoriy over his brothers.
• The brothers wanted to kill Joseph, but they opted to simply sell him into slavery, which ultimately led him to Egypt. THAT WAS THE OFFENCE
• He found himself in the home of Potipher whose wife made a number of advances at him, all of which he refused. Ultimately she bore false witness against him and accused him of assalting her.
• Subsequently, Joseph was thrown in prison. While there he met two men a baker and a cup bearer. Each of which learned of Joseph's incredible ability to interpret dreams.
• After a period of 2 years the cup bearer was reinstated before Pharaoh. Pharaoh had a horrible dream and no one could interpret. The cup bearer remembered Joseph and brought him before Pharaoh.
• Joseph predicts 7 good years and 7 bad years.
• Pharoah makes Joseph the Vice Regent over all of Egypt.

20 years had passed since the brothers sold Joseph into slavery.
In those 20 years, what did God use to bring these brothers to unity and restoration of relationship?

TEXT: Gen. 41 According to Josephs interpretation of Pharoah's dream a famine came upon the land…
1 Now Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt, and Jacob said to his sons, "Why are you staring at one another?" 2 He said, "Behold, I have heard that there is grain in Egypt; go down there and buy some for us from that place, so that we may live and not die."

Now don't read over that too quickly…there was a NATURAL OCCURANCE that caused the people ...

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