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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40
This content is part of a series.

Hearts on Fire (1 of 5)
Series: Let Us Adore Him
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Matthew 22:34-40

Lord we thank You that You came to this world 2000 years ago You were born in a barn and laid in a manger. You came for one reason and that was to die for our sins and rise again from the dead and we give You praise Lord because You alone are worthy. We ask You to speak to our hearts now through Your word and change us by Your power. We give You our hearts in Jesus Name. Amen.

In May of 1985, I had my very first date with Debbie Cannon. I had seen her around December of 1984 and was just blown away by her beauty. I finally got a date with her May 10, 1985. I don't remember very much I don't remember where the dishes go in our house but I remember that date. It was just a special date we went shopping of all things we went shopping and I enjoyed it because I was with her. Now she was a year out of college I was a year out of college we were in that prime age for finding a mate and we had that first date and it went so well and we had a second date and a third date and a forth date and everything was going really good. And in August I asked Debbie I said "would you go with me to California to visit my aunt and uncle we will stay at their house I will sleep upstairs and you can sleep downstairs and we'll have opportunity to go to Disney really an important time cause that was a big test for me. Always in college if I would date a girl I would start lose interest I would get tired of them and then just kinda of sigh and move on. Well with Debbie this was a long time for us to be going out and going to my aunt and uncles' that was going to be a big test. Well I want you to know she passed the test she did really good. And not that it was a test for her it was just a test to see God is this the girl you have for me? Is this the one You want me to marry? And after we came home from California I just wanted to be with her even more I just loved her so much and my heart was on ...

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