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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: 1st Corinthians 3:9-15
This content is part of a series.

Your Final Exam (1 of 2)
Series: Judgment Day
Pastor Jeff Schreve
1st Corinthians 3:9-15

In school you take tests. And I don't know very many people who like tests. Most people I know they don't like them very much. And they get nervous about taking tests. And it's just not their favorite thing to do. And I heard about a little boy named Johnnie. He was in 3rd grade. And he wasn't doing well in school. And he was doing poorly on his tests. And he got his progress report from his teacher, and it wasn't very good. And he came back the next day and he talked to her, and he said, "Miss Smith," he said, "now I don't want to scare you, but my daddy says if my grades don't improve, somebody's going to get a spanking." And he wasn't doing good on tests.

And some of us don't do very well on tests. You know, when it comes to taking a test, Acts chapter 20 is so true. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." And that's the way we are about tests. But as much as we don't like taking a test, tests are important. See, when you're in school, tests give meaning and purpose to the course work that you're studying. And we tend to study in school and listen and learn because, hey, there's going to be a test. This, this, this class has meaning and purpose because I'm going to be tested over this material and I need to learn that. It really helps us.

You know, if I were going to give a test after the service today on the sermon that I'm going to preach, some of you would listen a whole lot more closely than otherwise, because you say, "Oh, I need…man, I need to make sure I fill in those blanks „cause there's going to be a test." It helps you to listen. It helps you to learn. It gives meaning and purpose.

Now, in life, have you ever found yourself in a place in your life where you start to say, "Does life have any meaning? Does life have any purpose? I mean, what's it all about?" And you just kind of go through your day, and you kind of draw your breath, you dr ...

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