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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:14

Blessing of the Trinity
Stephen Whitney
2 Corinthians 13:14

Biblical illiteracy is widespread in our country as many people have never gone to church and know nothing about the Bible.
A mother in Norwood, Missouri told how she sent her12 year-old son to church with a neighbor for the first time.

He came home and told her that ''they believe that one guy made everything.'' As she questioned him further it became apparent that for the first time in his life he had heard about God as creator.

Life has really changed since the days of the early pioneers when most people knew about God. When these pioneers traveled through Canada along one river they saw the water rush through a chasm between two rugged rock formations.

The pinnacles towered into the sky and their bases were buried deep into the foundation of the earth. They were so awestuck
by these majestic peaks that they named them ETERNITY and TRINITY in reference to God who is so majestic that we cannot
comprehend his majesty.

Of all the things which Christians say about God, the most distinctive is that God is three distinct persons in one Godhead.
No other religion worships a three-in-one deity. One of the marks of a cult is that they deny Jesus is God. To them he is just a prophet like their own prophet who started their group.

Trinity Defined
The word ''Trinity'' is not found in the Bible. It comes from a Latin word which means ''three-in-one'' and was first used by
the early church father Tertullian in 220 AD when he used the phrase ''three Persons, one Substance'' to defend the Christian faith against attacks by those who did not believe in the trinity.

Baptist Theologian Augustus Strong (1920)) defined the trinity: ''We do not say that one God is three Gods, nor that one person is three persons, nor that three Gods are one God, but only that there is one God with three distinctions of His being.''
Theologian Henry Thiessen (1949 )wrote: ''By trinity we mean
that there ar ...

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