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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Joel 1:1-15
This content is part of a series.

Judgment Is Coming (1 of 5)
Series: Words of Warning
Jerry Watts
Joel 1:1-15

• One of the forgotten, if not dismissed, truths from God's word is that this world is on a collision course with Almighty God (Elohim). While it is true that God is a god of love, grace, and even mercy, what people of today may well need is a reminder of the truth that God is a God of justice and judgment.
• Today we begin a walk through the prophecy of Joel. Not a great deal is known about Joel, but we would do well to know a great deal about what Joel wrote. Why? Because of the first verse in this prophecy, "The word of the Lord that came to Joel son Pethuel." Even though we have little knowledge of Joel and less of Pethuel, it is in our best interest to hear from the one whose words Joel is recording. The 63 verses in this prophetic book serve to caution and to call all people to have a clear view of God's coming judgment. At the end of every message in this book is an invitation to miss the judgment of God but it takes ACTION.
• The prophet Amos echoes this message in the sixth chapter he writes, "WOE to those who are at ease in Zion and to those who feel secure on the hill of Samaria." Considering God's impending judgment in 4 thoughts:
1. The Coming of Judgment - Notice the first two words of verse 2, "Hear this." Almost every translation and paraphrase says the same thing. However, this phrase is more like a "listen up" or "pay attention" as it carries with it the idea and the message is important. Judgment is coming and you want to know it so that you can be prepared. He identifies both the leaders and the people to say, "Listen up." If it were today, there might have been a 'tone' (like the emergency broadcast system) to get out attention.
a. The discernment - Of the many ways there are to discern things, asking rhetorical questions is very effective. Can you hear the inference in the tone of the question of "Has anything like this every happened?" Con ...

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