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by J. Gerald Harris

Scripture: I Corinthians 6:19-20

Your Body, God's Temple
Gerald Harris
I Corinthians 6: 19-20

Earlier this month we were horrified to find that an unexplained explosion had ripped through a part of a coalmine in Sago, West Virginia and 12 miners had lost their lives.

As he huddled with 11 fellow miners trying to shelter themselves from poisonous air in one of the farthest reaches of the mine, Martin Toler, Jr. took an insurance form and a pencil from his pocket. In the faint sentences of farewell and religious conviction, he wrote, "Tell all - I will see them on the other side. I love you." The nation mourned the deaths of those men who were trapped in that coal mine.

But when Katrina ripped through the Gulf Coast last year the floodwaters claimed the lives of almost 1100 people. Most of us know of someone who was personally impacted by the devastation of that hurricane.

Then, of course, we remember September 11, 2001. We were all horrified when those attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center resulted in almost 3000 lives being lost.

But did you also know that every day in America there are over 4000 unborn babies whose lives have been taken in what is called pro-choice. 4000 year day, 28,000 each week, 112,000 each month and 1,460 each year.

Now, some of you may think this is a political issue, but it is not a matter of politics. It is not a Republican issue or a Democratic issue. It is a Biblical issue. I am Pro-Life because I believe God is Pro-Life.

We often hear about equal rights - human rights, gay rights, women's' rights. We live in a land that emphasizes welfare over work, desire over discipline and rights over responsibility. And let me tell you where I think that comes from. It comes from the fact that we do not understand the doctrine of ownership.

Sometimes women think, "There is nothing wrong with having an abortion, because this is my body and I have a right over my own body."
First, we need to realize that the unborn child ...

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