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by J. Gerald Harris

Scripture: Matthew 9:35-38

Needed: Hands for the Harvest
Gerald Harris
Matthew 9:35-38

The one thing that interested the Lord Jesus more than anything else was the harvest. He calls himself, in Matthew 9:38, ''the Lord of the harvest.'' It was the harvest that moved Him to +leave the ivory palaces of heaven and come to a world of woe. He said, in Luke 19:10, ''the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.''

The harvest is also the reason we are here. Jesus said, in John 20:21, ''as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.'' Jesus Christ is still the Lord of the harvest, and He is still calling for laborers to join Him in sowing the Gospel seeds and reaping eternal souls for the glory of God.

Matthew tells us that: ''Jesus went about all the cities and villages.'' The Jewish historian Josephus tells us that at this time there were over 200 cities and villages in the region of Galilee, which was an area about 40 miles wide and 70 miles long. Because the land was so fertile it was a booming area for farmers, which was the number one occupation of that day.

He estimated that the smallest villages and cities contained at least 15,000 people. So based on that assessment, Galilee probably contained at least three million people. Jesus went about village to village, city to city, trying to minister to as many of them as He could.

He could not get to everybody, but He was willing to get to anybody, whether they were a somebody or a nobody, if they needed ministry. Jesus spent His entire life seeking to love the unlovable and reach the unreachable and teach the unteachable and care for every barefooted nobody who walked on the face of this earth.
But when Jesus was on this earth and in the form of a man, He was limited by time and space and He could not accomplish everything that He wanted to accomplish by himself. And so at that point He cried out to His disciples, ''The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.''

Now as we consider this text I ...

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