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by John Barnett

This content is part of a series.

100% Employment: Christ's Plan for His Church (1 of 9)
Series: Our Shared Life
John Barnett

Today we are starting a year-long celebration of CBC's 80th year of ministry. We often refer to this church by three initials, the initials CBC stand for:

• Calvary (and hence the Cross up on the wall behind me, reminding us that Christ died for our sins);
• Bible (and hence the constant usage of God's Word in all of our ministries and programs, and every public worship service);
• Church (and that is the special topic we will be focused on as we gather to celebrate these 80 years)! And especially this year our goal and focus as a church family will be:

Becoming All God
Wants us to be

What does it mean to each of us, individually, that we are part of Christ's CHURCH?

That is the challenge to each of us today-we should become all that God wants us to be in His Church.

To summarize the theme of this 80th celebration, and my vision for CBC that I shared with the elders every since we began to talk about our ministry here it would be: "100% Employment-Every Member in Ministry".

We have the current notoriety among all the states in America as being the most unemployed state in the Union. In contrast to that physical status, we should seek spiritually to become the most engaged and employed saints we can possibly be, in the ministry Christ left us to do as His children!

As we open to Matthew 6:6 today, turn your minds towards one of the most amazing parts of our faith-being in Christ's church means that we have four incredible new relationships God has given to each of us.

• We each have the Best Dad: God is our Father (Mat. 6:6-15). Have you thought of the implications of that truth? We have a perfect, always-there Dad who loves us without any conditions, who will never change, pull back, leave home, or divorce our mother. He knows what's best, gives us everything we need, stays in touch constantly, and goes with us everywhere we are.

• We e ...

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