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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
This content is part of a series.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving (1 of 3)
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
October 16, 2011

Thirteen years ago this week .. a physician looked me in the eyes and said, "Ernest, you have a fast growing malignant cancer growing somewhere in your body." After an exploratory surgery … it was determined that I had a squamous cell carcinoma tumor .. stage 3 .. on my right tonsil.
He then suggested a radical surgery of opening me up .. ear to ear .. and begin removing my lymph nodes .. muscles and perhaps my voice box in an attempt to save my life.
I then suggested a second opinion. So Julie and I headed to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas and spent five days being examined. They suggested that I receive 44 radiation treatments in hopes of destroying the cancer in my throat before it destroyed me.
Using this radiation mask .. they would lay me on a table and secure my head with this mask. As the treatment began .. I would begin to pray and that prayer would soon turn into praise. I would praise God for the radiation machine .. for my oncologists .. for the hospital .. FOR INSURANCE … for my family .. for my salvation .. for God's forgiveness and plan for my life.
I praised my way through 44 radiation treatments. You say, "Ernest, were you scared?" Are you kidding me? Yes, I was scared. My family was scared. Our church was scared. And I can tell you this: God had our undivided attention!
Treatment by treatment .. my salvia glands were being destroyed. Treatment by treatment .. hundreds of ulcers were forming throughout my mouth and down my throat. Treatment by treatment second degree burns covered the outside of my throat. Treatment by treatment .. the radiation was killing my jaw, leaving it without any blood flow.
And through it all .. I simply prayed, "Lord, if you will spare my life .. I'll continue preaching Your Word. I'll continue sharing Jesus with others. I'll continue serving You."
So .. I prayed. My fami ...

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