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by John Barnett

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The Biblical Convictions of Grace Energized Men (12 of 31)
Series: Grace-Energized Men
John Barnett

The Lord has revealed His convictions very clearly in His Word. God is Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage, Pro-Justice, and Pro-Work.

We then defined those convictions as the Bible does, that God is:

• GOD is Pro-Life-God is opposed to Abortion and Euthanasia.
• GOD is Pro-Marriage-God is opposed to Gay Unions, as well as divorce, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, pornography, and every other form of immorality.
• GOD is Pro-Justice-God is opposed to murder, violence, discrimination, prejudice, and abuse of the weak, poor, and unborn; He invented capital punishment, and commands societies to have a just legal system.
• GOD is Pro-Work-God is against indolence, sloth, unbiblical entitlements, oppression of the poor by the rich, and every form of false hope produced by gambling and lotteries.

We are going to look at how a grace-energized man develops his convictions from God's Word. Each day we all have to live and work in a world so much like the world of the First Century. When the aged Paul sat to write his young disciple named Titus, his days like ours were full of both false teachings about God, and wrong behavior among the believers.

As Paul sat to write perhaps the clearest words on how to live a life governed by Biblical convictions in Titus 2 -it was sometime between a.d. 62-64. Paul was serving the churches of Greece (ancient Macedonia), after his release from his first prison time in Rome; and before his final Roman imprisonment.

Paul had to live and serve under an Empire that swarmed with citizens, slaves, and commercialism. Rome and all its blatant materialism reigned over nearly the entire known world of Paul's day.

How were Christians to live in the world of the New Testament? That question was especially vital to believers in the culture of Rome-rife with greed, gambling, and constant opp ...

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