MARK CHAPTER 15:1-47 (15 OF 16)
Scripture: Mark 15:1-47
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Mark Chapter 15:1-47 (15 of 16)
Series: The Gospel of Mark
Harley Howard
1 And straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council, and bound Jesus, and carried him away, and delivered him to Pilate.
Here is the third phase of the illegal trial of Jesus. It was early in the morning so that their deed would not be public. According to Matthew 27, at this point before they handed Jesus to Pilate, they were trying to determine how to kill Him. That's what the consultation was all about. Interestingly enough, the sentence for blasphemy was NOT crucifixion but stoning to death.
Now this placed them in quite a dilemma because Rome would not stand for the Jews stoning anyone. Rome would not give them permission to put any man to death. Jesus therefore would have to die from a capital offence under ROMAN law, and Jesus violated no law, Jewish or Roman. Their deliberations obviously took that into mind and they had to trump up charges to give Pilate a reason under Roman law to have Jesus killed.
I am also convinced that these men hated Jesus so much that they probably WANTED Him crucified openly and humiliated in the greatest way possible for all to see. Instead of bowing before Him as their Messiah, they would hang Him from a tree, which was a curse before God and a public display of their utter rejection of Jesus as Messiah and God, the Son. I addressed this in the last chapter that Jesus' humiliation was a direct challenge to His claim of being the Messiah. If Jesus were the deliverer of the Jews, then why did He not retaliate against those who afflicted Him? The council wanted Jesus humiliated to show publicly that He was no Messiah at all; just another common criminal.
Let's take a brief look at Pilate, which will give us some insight to the man and, his actions.
"Pilate was appointed prefect or procurator by Tiberius Caesar in A.D. 26. Prefects governed small, troubled ...
Series: The Gospel of Mark
Harley Howard
1 And straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council, and bound Jesus, and carried him away, and delivered him to Pilate.
Here is the third phase of the illegal trial of Jesus. It was early in the morning so that their deed would not be public. According to Matthew 27, at this point before they handed Jesus to Pilate, they were trying to determine how to kill Him. That's what the consultation was all about. Interestingly enough, the sentence for blasphemy was NOT crucifixion but stoning to death.
Now this placed them in quite a dilemma because Rome would not stand for the Jews stoning anyone. Rome would not give them permission to put any man to death. Jesus therefore would have to die from a capital offence under ROMAN law, and Jesus violated no law, Jewish or Roman. Their deliberations obviously took that into mind and they had to trump up charges to give Pilate a reason under Roman law to have Jesus killed.
I am also convinced that these men hated Jesus so much that they probably WANTED Him crucified openly and humiliated in the greatest way possible for all to see. Instead of bowing before Him as their Messiah, they would hang Him from a tree, which was a curse before God and a public display of their utter rejection of Jesus as Messiah and God, the Son. I addressed this in the last chapter that Jesus' humiliation was a direct challenge to His claim of being the Messiah. If Jesus were the deliverer of the Jews, then why did He not retaliate against those who afflicted Him? The council wanted Jesus humiliated to show publicly that He was no Messiah at all; just another common criminal.
Let's take a brief look at Pilate, which will give us some insight to the man and, his actions.
"Pilate was appointed prefect or procurator by Tiberius Caesar in A.D. 26. Prefects governed small, troubled ...
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