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by Fred Lowery

Scripture: Matthew 25:10-13, Romans 8:37-39, John 10:1, John 10:10-15
This content is part of a series.

Living The Life Of Your Dreams (4 of 5)
Series: Outlive Your Life
Dr. Fred Lowery
Matthew 25:10-13; Romans 8:37-39; John 10:10; John 10:1; John 10:11-15
October 10, 2010

Today is 10/10/10, doesn't come along very often. By the way as I was walking around out there two or three people mentioned to me that they thought that your clapping about Alabama losing was unnecessary roughness. 10/10/10, ten is a big number. You know when I was a kid, I remember wanting to be able to count to ten. That was a big deal, if you could count to ten. Then if you really got smart you counted from ten backwards. But bigger than that was to get to be ten years old. It seemed like it would never come. You could just be ten years old. In the Olympics ten is a perfect score. What everybody is trying to reach? With the FBI it's the ten most wanted criminals. But that's a list you don't want to be on. The decimal system worldwide is based on units of ten. So ten is big. But it's also significant in the Bible. There were ten patriarchs before the flood. There were ten plagues. Remember on the Egyptians that just held God's people in slavery and so God raised up Moses to go and to confront the Pharaoh and to say let my people go. And so we confronted Pharaoh and said let my people go and the Pharaoh said no and so the prophet said well how do you like frogs, gnats, darkness, and then we know that each plague got worse until the final plague was taking the first born boy child out of every Egyptian family and that included the life of the boy of the Pharaoh, his own son. Cause that's what God had said would happen. The Ten Commandments given to Moses at Mt. Sinai. The woman who lost the coin, remember the bible said she started out with how many coins. Ten coins. The ten lepers that Jesus healed and remember Jesus said to the one who came back, why did only one come back to say thank you. What about the other nine? Remember the ten virgins, the ten girls who wen ...

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