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by Rex Yancey

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:18

How To Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Rex Yancey

In the closing chapter of 1 Thessalonians, Paul uses several superlatives. Keep on praying, rejoicing, and giving thanks. I want us to concentrate on one of those superlatives this morning.
There was a salesman who sold a business man a mule back in the old days. He told the business man that he was a religious man and taught his mule to obey religious commands. If you want him to go, say amen. If you want him to stop, say Thank the Lord.
The business man bought the mule and headed out on a business trip. He was enjoying the ride so much he failed to see where they were going. He suddenly saw the mule headed for the edge of a cliff. He said, "Whoa, mule! Stop, mule! Finally, at the last second he said "Amen." The mule stopped. The man said "Thank God."
We are entering that season where we are reminded to Thank God. Matthew Henry, a commentator was robbed once. As he thought about that experience later, he wrote in his diary: I was never robbed before; he took my wallet but not my life; he took my all, but it wasn't much; it was I who was robbed and not I who robbed.
How do we develop an attitude like that?
1. Grateful people are satisfied and content with life.
-Philippians 4:11-12, Paul had learned contentment. He knew how to abound and how to be abased. He could go either way with the strength God provided him.
-People with no attitude of gratitude do not know contentment. They are never satisfied with life. They are always looking for the next best thing.
-Did you know you can miss life by living for a time when things will be better? And did you know that when you get to those times, they are usually not better.
2. Grateful people are not stressed out.
-They are not trying to keep up with the Joneses. They don't look at people who have more than they do and get stressed out about it. They don't think that life is unf ...

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