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by Ken Trivette

Scripture: Acts 1:8

Holy Spirit, Come upon Us
Ken Trivette
Acts 1:8


1. Power That Is Experienced

a) A Power Experienced Personally
b) A Power Experienced Publicly

2. Power That Is Essential

a) The Work That Was Received
b) The Waiting That Was Required

3. Power That Is Expressed

a) A Compelled Life
b) A Committed Life

1. J. Wilbur Chapman spoke of visiting Enfield, Connecticut: ''I have been in that old church in New England where Jonathan Edwards preached his great sermon, 'Sinners in the hands of an angry God.' He had a little manuscript which he held up so close to his face that they could not see his countenance. He went on and on until the people in the crowded church were tremendously moved. One man sprang to his feet, rushed down the aisles and cried, ''Mr. Edwards, have mercy!'' Other men caught hold of the backs of the pews lest they should slip into perdition. I have seen the old pillars around which they threw their arms when they thought the Day of Judgment had dawned upon them. The power of that sermon is still felt in the United States today.''

2. I have also visited Enfield and stood where Edwards preached his famous sermon. As I stood there I relived all that I had read about the occasion. My heart was deeply moved as I thought of the mighty demonstration of God's power that was manifested when the Holy Spirit came upon Edwards and the place he was preaching.

3. What happened that night we again need to see! Oh, for such demonstrations of God's power in our day. Yet, it is more! It is not just what happened that night, but Who came that night that we need-the Holy Spirit in His power!

4. Jesus told His disciples, ''But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you'' (Acts 1:8). There is no power apart from the Holy Spirit. Our need-our greatest need-is for the Holy Ghost to come upon us that we may receive power.

5. R. A. Torrey, speaking of D.L. Moody said: ''The whole secret of why D. L. Moody w ...

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